Manufacturer Sn8 Black HDPE Double Wall Corrugated Pipe PE Sewerage HDPE Pipe Drainage System Pipe

HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Double Wall Corrugated Pipes are for gravity and low pressure sewerage and drainage, such as waste water, sanitary sewer and storm sewerage for municipal or industrial use. The pipes provide important benefits and distinct advantages for sewer and drainage applications. Double Wall Corrugated Pipe Features:1.Intensity and Stiffness (ability of enduring geographical conditions load);2.Hydraulic features (ability of transporting liquid);3.Sealability (no giveaway, prevent polluting environment);4.Long Lifespan (corrosion resistant, resistance to abrasion);5.Easily to install;6.Comprehensive economical featuresFirst: Intensity and stiffness. Because plastics embedded pipe is flexible pipe and it endures the press with the soil around in correct design and construct that plastics embedded pipe doesn 't need the same intensity and stiffness as rigid concrete drain pipe.Next: In hydraulic features, plastics pipe's resistance of fluid is less than concrete pipe because of it's slippy inner surface. It's proved by practice that smaller diameter plastics pipe can attain required the same flow rate than concrete pipe at the same slope. Plastics pipe can decrease the slope rate at the same diameter (decrease construction workload ).Third: In sealability, Plastics pipes' connection is credible. (flexible sealing ring bell and socket link).Four: Plastics pipe has many advantages in useful lifespan and corrosion resistant. Sewage and rainwater transported by embedded pipe is always aggressive, acidity or causticity. Sewage has powerful corrosiveness for example industrial water. Plastics embedded pipe has better inoxidizability than metallic conduit and concrete pipe. Plastics pipe's abrasion resistance is better.Five: Prominent advantage in installation: light weight, longer length (less connect), low require for pipe ditch and foundation, easy connecting and quickly constructing. Plastics pipe's virtue is prominent in city's crowded area and bad geological area (for example high ground water level and flaccid foundation).Last: plastic embedded pipe's virtue is being discovered in comprehensive economic level. The price of plastic embedded pipe is higher than concrete pipe. But it is approved by installation practices in domestic and international market; in all projects?cost of plastics embedded pipe was lower than concrete pipe if the design and construction is correct. The cost of double wall-corrugated pipe is as similar as concrete gripping pipe. Its price decreases 30%-40% than faucet concrete pipe. Double wall-corrugated pipe can reduce the construction period. Its economic feature is apparent.Major technical indicators of HDPE Double Wall Corrugated pipeDensity: 941kg/m2 ~965 kg/m2 ;Refracton coefficient: 1.54nd;Water absorption