Cambo(Shenzhen) Industrial Co., Ltd

Why CAMBO So-Focused On LAN Cable Manufacturing? Mr. Luis, The CEO of CAMBO, read a masterpiece BIBLE book of marketing serial: <>THE FUTURE OF YOUR COMPANY DEPEND ON IT. By U. S Author Ai Ries. And this book maintains a positive influence on him and CAMBO for all these years. The logic of market survival has changed, everyone can feel this and look for solutions. 10 years ago, company can survive in the market by scoring 80. 5 years ago, company can survive in the market by scoring 90. 3 years ago, company can survive in the market by scoring 95. From now on, company can survive only by scoring up to 100. Those who can score 100, they take all market. Winner-Take-All. To improve score from 80 to 90, it can be easy. To improve from 90 to 95, it can be some tough work. Why are the vast majority of companies mediocre and uncompetitive? They are always trying to do as much as they could, each of their business scored 80-90 and obviously each of their businesses will be defeated by Vertically-Focused companies who can core 100. To improve from 95 to 100, It can be extremely hard. Every aspects needs to be optimized to the extreme and this will bring mountains of work. So you have to check on WHAT you good at, putting all you have into it, then you will have a chance to score 100 and becoming No. 1 in this segmented vertical market. This is what CAMBO did in the past years. CAMBO aimed to be The Most Competitive OEM LAN Cable Manufacturer in China.